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Financing Your College Education: Strategies, and Tips

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

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Shelly M. Rufin, Dr. (hc) College Planning Consultant
Shelly M. Rufin, Dr. (hc) College Planning Consultant

By Shelly Rufin, MSHS

Educational Consultant

Harvard Business School

EDFIN College Planning

Serving families for three-decades

May 17th, 2023

These are questions of parents preparing their kids for college. Does this sound like you? Do you need help with paying for college? Parents of high schoolers, especially juniors, NEED to start thinking about how we are going to pay for college. The number of students applying to college continues to increase, despite the pandemic, and the demand is higher than ever for a good education! Learn how to put your kids through college without going broke at

• What are you doing to stand out?

• What's your admissions plan?

• What are you doing now to avoid OVERPAYING for college?

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